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    As we drove back downtown after getting our teen-vampire-drama movie fix, my friend M asked me, “What do you want to do when the kids go to school?” I think I spent a good five minutes dancing around the question before finally admitting that I don’t know. This is the type of question that really throws me for a loop. Right now as I write, my toddler old is squatting and grunting in front of me as he takes his morning constitution, and the older one is playing with an empty Speyburn can.. loudly. I can’t really picture my life differently, or rather I don’t want to. It saddens me…

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    Shoes. Gar gar gar!

    I can’t roll my Rs due to being tongue tied, so when I want to make that sound I have to gurgle which ends up sounding like like Garrrrrrr. Really awesome, no? So part of the gig of being wife/mom/professor/extreme hobbiest is that I can get easily overwhelmed. I’ve been having recurring dreams that I have returned to high school and can’t figure out what classes I am supposed to be taking. Not only that, but I’m two months into the semester and haven’t done any work. The dreams are beginning to evolve where I am aware I already have my PhD and have nothing left to prove to the…

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    Spring Fling giveaways are next week!

    Love Sown is throwing a party for you and itself, but mainly for you – to thank you for following this new blog and giving it so much love. Starting Monday, a new giveaway will posted each day to help get you in the mood for spring and all the yummy things the garden will bring, as if you weren’t already. Look for these wonderful giveaways next week: A $20 gift certificate to Renee’s Garden KidCo’s BabySteps Deluxe Food Mill with Travel Tote A 1-year subscription to Organic Gardening Magazine A copy of the book, Roots, Shoots, Buckets, & Boots: Gardening Together with Children by Sharon Lovejoy … and more to…