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    Wednesday Night Post to Count as My Thursday Post

    So I realize I must bore you all to death. Yada yada my garden this, yada yada this pretty picture. Here’s the thing. This evening my cat took a sip of my tequila and orange juice. How do I know? I saw the post lick ripples in the water, and then she proceeded to lick her nose and wipe it with her paw. I am not okay with this. I really like this tequila and it was the last of the bottle. Typically, I would toss out anything that came into contact with the cat’s tongue, but I couldn’t this time. I simply couldn’t waste good tequila. So I told…

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    How Can I Help?

    So, by the number of questions I’ve been getting from friends over the past couple weeks, I get the idea that you guys trust me and my gardening advice. I really am flattered by it and absolutely love seeing more people start to grow their own food and get their hands a little dirty. It has become quite a passion of mine. I also think that maybe there are some friends out there that really do want to start a garden but just don’t have a clue where to begin and are overwhelmed by all the decisions – where, with what materials, raised bed or in-ground? Here’s what I propose:…

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    Last Day of NaBloPoMo

    Whelp, National Blog Posting Month has been a blast. I managed to post everyday but one, which I did the next morning and back dated. Yes, I cheated. Posting frequently definitely keeps readers checking back more often, but I got tired of writing and started doing picture posts. There’s nothing wrong with pictures, and I know you secretly relished the one of the squished cabbage worms. After a warm Thanksgiving week here in Raleigh, the weather finally has some nip to it again. I’m not sure how much longer the lettuces will last, which is a shame because I still haven’t tasted them. For the life of me, I can’t…

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    Birth was just the beginning

    Why did He come? Love. To be with us. I’ve always loved this story. The Geese – Author Unknown There was once a man who didn’t believe in God, and he didn’t hesitate to let others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays. His wife, however, did believe and she raised their children to have faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ despite his disparaging comments. On one snowy Christmas Eve, his wife was taking their 2 children to a special Christmas Eve service in the farm community in which they lived. They were to talk about the birth of Jesus that night. She asked him to…