Happy Thanksgiving!
Don’t Mind if I Do
As we drove back downtown after getting our teen-vampire-drama movie fix, my friend M asked me, “What do you want to do when the kids go to school?” I think I spent a good five minutes dancing around the question before finally admitting that I don’t know. This is the type of question that really throws me for a loop. Right now as I write, my toddler old is squatting and grunting in front of me as he takes his…
Morning Through the Leaves
Shoes. Gar gar gar!
I can’t roll my Rs due to being tongue tied, so when I want to make that sound I have to gurgle which ends up sounding like like Garrrrrrr. Really awesome, no? So part of the gig of being wife/mom/professor/extreme hobbiest is that I can get easily overwhelmed. I’ve been having recurring dreams that I have returned to high school and can’t figure out what classes I am supposed to be taking. Not only that, but I’m two months into…
Wordless Wednesday
In retrospect, I should have fed him breakfast before letting him color.