
December Garden

With the amazing weather today, I found myself lured back out to the somewhat neglected garden. We already cleared out most of the dead stalks and pulled weed piles, but have otherwise have done very little in the garden other than a quick watering during a dry spell.

Leeks, garlic, onions, cilantro, dill and arugula are all doing very well. The Bok choy has already bolted, and I have not harvest any yet. This mild weather has the December garden feeling very strange with cleared out summer beds and small pockets of intense and lush growth. I’m wishing I had planted more carrots a few weeks ago!


  • Diana Schmied

    Wow — it's all looking great! You know, you could probably still used those bolted Chinese Cabbages in a stir fry. If they are really small, they might actually be Chinese Flowering Cabbage rather than Bok/Pak Choi — meant to flower like that to be eaten. I have found that especially with "ethnic" seeds and starts that mis-labeling abounds!

    If this winter continues like last winter did, those of us in zone 7 may need to think about shifting our "main" gardening season to fall and winter, rather than our scorching drought-ridden summers!

  • The Conservationist

    Here in TX, the farmers skip on summer intentionally, and only plant fall/spring. Right now, under an inch or so of snow, I have carrots, kale, lettuces, tiny beet sprouts, broccoli-raab, and red cabbage. Not sure how they'll do with the snow and freeze that's expected, as their lives have been in 70-80 degree "winter." I've had to water my garden quite a bit this "winter," as the sun has scorched and dried my raised beds until just last week. I HATE THIS CONFUSING BUSINESS! 🙂

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