
When the shovel hits the rock

Lazy workmanship during construction means a headache for the homeowner down the line. We’ve been building up a small garden area around the mailbox, and when I attempted to add one more plant, I hit a rock. No matter where I dug, I hit this rock. As it turns out, whoever built the house disposed of their extra concrete, asphalt and bricks at the corner of our driveway and covered it up with dirt. Thaaaaank you so much.

It took a chain and a Ford truck to drag this slab to another spot in the yard. We aren’t sure yet what we will do with it, and I’ve considered working it into the yard as a garden feature, but it is currently ugly side up.

Scooby looks like he’s grown a couple inches this past week. Maybe it’s just the rock.

I dug up the Japanese Maple in the front and moved it over behind the mailbox where it should get a little more sun and have less competition from other trees. My back hurts, but the mailbox sure is looking fancy. A layer of mulch would add that last touch it needs.


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