• Garden

    Melon Shmelon

    As much as I love to eat them, melons are my garden nemesis. After planting them for just over five years, this is the first summer where it seems I will be able to eat a watermelon from my yard, assuming critters don’t steal them. There are just two growing – one of which we only discovered three days ago. It was hiding beside the fence under a blackberry bush. The other has stopped growing, so I’m assuming it should be ripe soon. Considering we planted many seeds and have at least seven healthy vines growing, two watermelons is pretty low production. I’m not sure what it is about my…

  • Garden

    Detailed Garden Schematic

    A friend requested I share this, so here it is! If you open the picture in a new browser window, you should be able to zoom in on it. The plants shown are what was growing as of the beginning of June. There are far less carrots now after a week of picking a daily one for the baby. The teepee is in the bottom right corner, the herb garden is on the left, and the beds just outside the fence are not pictured. More lettuce has been planted in the various bare spots.

  • Garden

    When the shovel hits the rock

    Lazy workmanship during construction means a headache for the homeowner down the line. We’ve been building up a small garden area around the mailbox, and when I attempted to add one more plant, I hit a rock. No matter where I dug, I hit this rock. As it turns out, whoever built the house disposed of their extra concrete, asphalt and bricks at the corner of our driveway and covered it up with dirt. Thaaaaank you so much. It took a chain and a Ford truck to drag this slab to another spot in the yard. We aren’t sure yet what we will do with it, and I’ve considered working…

  • Garden

    What’s Growing, Paige?

    People ask me what I’m currently growing and I can’t help but get wide-eyed. I don’t think they really want more than the general, “Oh you know, tomatoes, squash, the usual…” But in my mind, the eight tomato varieties I planted are each quite unique, and then there are the mystery ones that popped up in the compost that may be a new hybrid. So for the garden geeks like myself, here’s a rundown of what is currently growing. Tomatoes: Costoluto, Black Krim, Persimmon, Matt’s Wild Cherry, Red Kiss (something I saved from a mixed pack and renamed), Aunt Ruby’s German Green, Dutch Pink, Striped Roma, and a variety of…

  • Garden

    Volunteer Tomatoes in the Asparagus Bed

    The asparagus in our garden hasn’t been able to catch a break. Just before what would have been its third year in our yard, and the glorious spring in which we’d finally be able to harvest it, I dug it all up and moved it to a new bed. Its original location was terribly overgrown with weeds, and my husband insisted on mowing it over whenever I wasn’t looking. So, in it’s third year, I moved it just outside the garden fence into a more controlled area, and heaped on what was left of our compost pile. This past month as I watched tiny asparagus spears push through the mulch,…