• Pottery

    Succulent Pottery Planters

    The afternoon before The Handmade Market, my love of gardening collided with my love of ceramics, and the result was little succulent gardens. I enjoyed piecing these together so much that once my shoulder is good an rested, I will keep headed down this rabbit hole of fun. I’ve replanted the leftover succulents and pieces that broke off during handling and will save them for later. The fuzzy cactus is soft and so adorable that I may not be able to let it go. Mammillaria gracilis fragilis “Thimble Cactus” and Crassula argentea “Gollum” Echiveria minima and Crassula argentea “Gollum” Pachyveria blue pearl and Rebutia albiflora Pachyveria blue pearl and Rebutia…