Morning Harvest
Wings and Things
Bird. Names, anyone? Birdhouse gourd blossom Goldfinch and Hummingbird on Tunnel Black and Blue Salvia Bug. Hummingbird Corn in the morn’
Itsy Bitsy & Our Garden Friends
After last week’s downpour, I was a little heartbroken for the Man-child that his friend Itsy Bitsy had vanished. The only evidence of her existence was her shredded, abandoned web. Several days later, I was outside the fence and spied a new writing spider, and we determined that she was Itsty Bitsy’s younger cousin, Little Bitsy. Litty Bitsy This evening (garden walk!) I was picking at the tomato vines and nearly jumped to see Itsy Bitsy had returned and was…
Our Garden Walks
Dahlia that I found on clearance at Lowes While I’m not much of a routine person, our mornings nearly are always the same. The boys wake up right around the time my husband hops in the shower, they play on the bed or in the bathroom until he is dressed, and then we all go downstairs where they get chocolate milk and begin systematically destroying the first floor of the house with their toys and breakfast. Around 8am, we bust…
Evening Garden Walk
Purple basil amongst onions Sure sign the squash borers weren’t all extracted Bean, squash and gourd tunnel Corn! Checking out the really big squash
While I don’t use any purple in the house to decorate (which I might just have to change), it seems I have a weakness for purple in the garden. This evening while the boys were in the kiddie pool, I took some snapshots of the growing eggplants, okra and butterfly garden. Here’s a shot of the majority of the veggie garden. There is a low spot in the garden where water stands, so the plan is to convert it…