• House Wren Family

    After the bluebird failure this spring, a pair of house wrens moved into the bluebird box on the blackberry trellis. They actually filled both bluebird boxes with nests but only laid eggs in one, which I later learned is common practice. The unused nest is called a “dummy nest”. Once the eggs hatched, we diligently kept the cats indoors to make sure that once the babies fledged, they wouldn’t fall prey to our viscous cats’ claws. Two days ago, the…

  • Fledgling Woodpecker

    I was outside checking on the chickens when I heard a rustling sound in a shrub on the edge of a neighbor’s yard. When I looked closer, there was a baby bird flopping around in the leaves and low branches. It has the markings of either a Red bellied Woodpecker or a Northern Flicker, though I’m not certain this is what it is. There is a faint rust colored band on the back of the neck, and I didn’t get…