• Local,  Thoughts

    Milburnie Dam Demolition Part 2

    Saturday morning, we opted to skip the Christmas parade, and Joe and the kids played video games instead. By 10:30 am, I was chomping at the bit to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Joe had not yet seen the Milburnie Dam demolition, so we went out for a hike. I love being in the woods with Joe, because he always finds new things to explore. We went around the dam to the side I had not yet ventured to and came on a cypress grove full of cypress knees, frogs and lizards. Don’t let the pictures fool you — Joe and I enjoyed the nature hike far more…

  • Thoughts

    Must Listen

    My friend sent me this talk several weeks back, and she was sent it several years ago. So yes it’s a bit old as far as things on the Internet go, but I think the message to mothers is so excellent. It’s just an 18 minute listen.   I don’t know how many of us deaden the passion in our souls, but I know there are quite a few people who have forgotten who they are. They’ve checked out for their own reasons, and maybe they thought they hit the pause button but hit delete instead. I have thoughts — so many thoughts on this topic — but I’m just…

  • Garden,  Thoughts

    She Got A Snake!

    Yesterday evening we let the chickens forage in the garden, which has a 4′ picket fence. Chickens are definitely rough on the veggies beds and sling dirt all over the paths. However, they sure can find the bugs! There were particularly many bugs under the pole bean teepee, which had a large piece of decaying cardboard on the floor to stop the weeds. It stopped the weeds and created wildlife habitat. The chickens were in there tearing it up, when one girl darted out with a thrashing garden snake in her beak. She carried it over to the flower and rock garden corner and proceeded to greedily devour her spoils.…

  • Thoughts

    No More Peach Tree

    No more peach tree. It was infested all up the trunks (there were multiple trunks due to poor pruning and management) with peach scale bugs that would have been difficult to treat, and after 8 years of losing crops to fungal diseases, we decided to call it quits. I shed some tears as this was a symbolic tree, the one we bought after a second miscarriage. In truth, we can’t just burry our grief in the ground and expect it to grow something beautiful. We must tend to it with a watchful eye and sometimes sharp shears to manage its growth and changes in different seasons. Sometimes a lot of…

  • Thoughts

    Treehouse Chicken Coop

    For the past several mornings, I’ve woken up with what I refer to as “fire fingers”. My fingers tingle, and the numbness goes up to my shoulder. I’m covered in scrapes, and my hands feel like sandpaper. My husband now has the neighbors thinking he’s a professional carpenter. We haven’t been to the gym in months — we haven’t done anything social. We haven’t signed up for spring soccer. We skipped THE BIG chess tournament. We have worked our patooties off so that just in time for the first day of spring, we were ready for outdoor living. The treehouse chicken coop is complete with a hammock to boot. Thank…