Holiday Processing
Does anyone one else find it unsettling that a day in which we celebrate community, shared sacrifice (perhaps the singular sacrifice of Native Americans), and express gratitude is followed by a day that is the pinnacle of American greed? I turned on the radio in the car today and was greeted by Christmas music. I can’t deny that just hearing all the jingles and familiar jolly voices made me itch to go shopping a la the scenes in Serendipity where…
Dating my boys
This morning after dropping Scooby off at preschool, Wookie and I drove out to Cary for routine blood work. It’s been over a year since I have vitamin levels and such tested. Wookie was so sweet and just sat quietly on my lap the entire time. Since I’d fasted at least 12 hours, I took us across the street to Whole Foods for breakfast. Once Wookie saw that we were getting food, he kept pointing at the plate and going,…
Putting Down Roots
We have had quite a few friends over the years head out across the country to Portland, Seattle, College Station, TX and Davis, CA. As I see pictures of their adventures along the rocky coast, under a big sky, in chilly winters, my heart aches a little for exploration – more so than just a vacation. I long for a life-altering adventure. As a high school student I was determined that I would one day live in Montana, preferably near…
Finding Your Calling
Earlier this week I wrote a blog post, deleted it, and then sent it to the women in my Community Group. It is embarrassing when you ask the same questions for years on end only to stay just as confused. This pursuit of finding our “calling” as it relates to the local church and God’s work at large can seem impossible to nail down as our lives and circumstances are constantly in flux. As an undergrad I had a very…
A Seat at the Table
This morning, our good friend Thom preached on being the adopted and sons and daughters of God. The part of his talk that really grabbed me was his discussion on how we write ourselves off as undeserving, unwanted or less than at His table. Several weeks back, I was dining at Magiano’s with a group of women to celebrate my friend’s birthday. There were sixteen of us laughing and talking as if we were the oldest of friends, and amazingly…
Did you know, that after you said goodbye, I quit sleeping? On the hot summer nights in my bunk I thought of you. I tried to talk to the God who claimed you for himself, but it hurt so deep that my words just came out as silent tears drowning in the nightly chorus of screaming crickets and cicadas. I watched as she changed. We rarely spoke of you, but you were there. In each circular conversation as her mind…