• Thoughts

    The Church Doesn't Need Me Anymore

    As Vintage21 Church has grown, one aspect I have struggled with is that the church no longer needs me. When there were only a hundred or so of us, we could see our handiwork in the physical space. We looked at a wall and knew that Scooby spent countless hours on the carpentry. We looked up at the massive burlap tree in the rafters and saw the scratches on our knuckles from stuffing the burlap sacks the day before. We heard the song that started, “My days before were filled with darkness,” and we knew Tim’s story and rejoiced with him. The art, the music, the events reflected our personalities,…

  • Thoughts

    Church Cynicism

    When Vintage21 opened the doors to a “what do you look for in a church?” group discussion in 2002, I was there. I moved with the church from a theater in Cary, to a school in Cary, to Harget Street, to Oberlin Street and then back to Harget Street. I’ve been with it as it grew from 40 to 1400 people and now is even larger. Early on, I viewed it as my church, the place for me to settle. There was tight interaction with the booming staff of two, my voice was heard, my opinions mattered, my actions were seen. As we have grown and brought in new staff…