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    Fall Chicks

    On Saturday we dashed over to The Urban Chicken for the September flock swap hoping to get an early pick of Mr. Campbell’s pullets. All our our ladies so far have come from his farm, and this weekend at a price $8/bird for the two-month-olds, we came away with five new chickens. He told us we would never see that price again, but he’d hatched out too many. Penny, our French Black Copper Marans, has been such a good layer and healthy looking girl, that we picked up two more Marans. We also bough a Lavender Orpington and an Ameraucana. I went back to pick up this goofy looking bird…

  • Garden

    Flock Swaps

    I was warned that this chicken thing can get really addictive.  The eggs are great. Planning and building the coop was fun. Problem solving is challenging. What is addictive is walking across the yard and realizing two chickens are following at my heels, I stop, they stop and scratch around in the dirt. I walk, they walk. I stop and turn around, they scratch at the dirt. I have a fan club now thanks to a treat called Crackleberry Nugget Treats. What is also addictive is hearing the panicked peeping of the newest addition at dusk, then hearing the panic change to happy chirps as I place her in her…