The Friday Freaky: Red Russian Kale Root
Seriously. This kale plant was gargantuan. I’m a little dubious of just how massive this root had grown.
A Potato Tidbit
Lest you think my tomatoes have already fruited, this is not a picture of tomatoes. This morning I discovered that the potatoes had fruited. The part we like to eat grows underground, but these small fruits contain the seeds – not to be confused with seed potatoes. Once it is ripe, I’ll figure out how to save the seeds for…
In Blossom: Toma Verde Tomatillo
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Bath Time!
I was just outside in the heat of the day and against better judgement was watering the garden with the hose and my thumb. I was near the teepee watering the muscadine vine and climbing squash, when I saw what seemed like the most gigantic dragonfly zipping in and out of the water. On second look, as it landed in…
What are you looking at?
This morning at Costco, I did the most annoying thing a customer could possibly do by attempting to open a door next to the sample stand to get out a box of yogurt – and happened to knock over an empty travel mug… at least it was the most annoying thing ever based on the look the lady donning the…
Growing Habitat
The first time I saw a male cardinal perched in the peach tree I had planted in the back yard, I couldn’t help feeling a little light-hearted. I was actually so excited that for a moment I contemplated interrupting Joe at work to tell him there was a bird in my tree. What made me most excited was seeing that…