Late Night Bread Baking
On Sunday afternoon, I decided I’d love a loaf of homemade bread. Only this time, I didn’t want to use the bread machine. I’m not a baker type, although I’ve ventured into it slowly with the scones and dabbled in baking brownies from scratch (just stick to the box, Paige), and I decided to experiment. In the early afternoon, I…
Friday Foto Montage
tomato trellis teepee cucumber and tomato trellises garden path corn next to the bean dome aerial view french climbing beans work their way to the rooster purple cone flower Matt’s wild cherry toamtoes
What can I still plant?
The end of June is just around the corner and you are wondering if it is too late to plant. This depends on where you live. If you live in the Northwest, your season is just getting started. If you live in the Southeast, your growing season is well underway and will just keep on going. Here in downtown Raleigh,…
The importance of interplanting and biodiversity in the vegetable garden
Companion planting, or interplanting is the practice of growing crops together so that one or both may be benefited by the presence of the other or planting crops together that at the very least won’t commit unspeakable crimes on each other. Conventional home garden methods are to plant crops in orderly blocks or rows, which makes navigation and harvesting much…