August Planting in NC
This weekend I started doing more preparations for fall planting. While I hate pulling plants that are still producing, I have to evaluate the quality of that produce and whether the spot would be better used for something else. Sometimes, it’s time to scrap the plant! I’m two weeks late posting this information, and there’s only two days left for…
Introducing …
The ten of you who read Love Sown might have noticed that my posts have digressed from almost daily to quite irregular. This is for a good reason! I’ve been working at the wheel nearly daily and over the past few days have been developing an online store. Enough of my connections have inquired if I ship my pottery, so…
Weekend fun
Peaches, pottery, gardening, shopping, playing, Olympics, snuggles – that about sums up the weekend, which started with a family outing to First Friday at Vintage21. We didn’t stay long at the concert/peach fest, because as I told Wookie. “That is no way to behave at an art show!” He was super excited to be out in public and was a…
Slowing Summer
Moving into August, I feel slow. At any point during the day, if I lie down on the bed, it takes all the energy I can muster (or the boys jumping on my face) to get me up again. The only remedy has been the potter’s wheel, on which I’ve been very busy cranking out pie plates, cake stands, mugs…
Trombetta and Luffa squash vines have completely covered the teepee and surrounding fence in the garden. It’s been awhile since we’ve has squash or zucchini on our plates, so hopefully with the heat wave in the past, the vines will begin producing. My kids can hardly find a way into the teepee now, which isn’t much of a loss considering…