Turtle Hole Eno River
We spend far too many Saturdays around here without a plan. The morning fades into noon and the day goes by without our really sucking the marrow out of it. We sometimes lament that we can’t afford fancy travel or fun toys like motor boats and waltz back to life on Monday with ridiculous sunglasses and sandal tans and windblown…
Watching Hummingbirds
We may think it is the fancy toys, exciting play dates, overpriced kids museums that our kids are craving, but really, I think what our kids truly long for is just a moment with us. Tonight Scooby and I sat out the in the garden in the twilight watching the humming birds zip in and around the feeder and hover…
Nature Pictures
I love the way God demonstrates his creativity in the smallest of creatures, even if some of them are decidedly creepy. My husband asked me why I keep taking pictures of bugs, and I had no response other than I saw them or that they were right by my face. Speaking of having nature in my face, I was walking…
Treehouse on a Low Budget
For months now, Scooby has been talking about building a tree house. We’ve had a tree picked out for a year, but no funds to build it. This past weekend, we went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore center to find some free or cheap lumber so I could build a raised bed for fall and winter lettuces. We ended…
Garden Therapy
Back in high school and college, I was highly introspective, prone to times of getting lost in my emotions and thoughts, and wrote a lot of poetry that anyone on the brink of despair should never read. Writing was my therapy, and some of it was actually beautiful, but as kids have entered the picture, there just aren’t words, and…