Nature Pictures
I love the way God demonstrates his creativity in the smallest of creatures, even if some of them are decidedly creepy. My husband asked me why I keep taking pictures of bugs, and I had no response other than I saw them or that they were right by my face. Speaking of having nature in my face, I was walking…
Treehouse on a Low Budget
For months now, Scooby has been talking about building a tree house. We’ve had a tree picked out for a year, but no funds to build it. This past weekend, we went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore center to find some free or cheap lumber so I could build a raised bed for fall and winter lettuces. We ended…
Garden Therapy
Back in high school and college, I was highly introspective, prone to times of getting lost in my emotions and thoughts, and wrote a lot of poetry that anyone on the brink of despair should never read. Writing was my therapy, and some of it was actually beautiful, but as kids have entered the picture, there just aren’t words, and…
August Planting in NC
This weekend I started doing more preparations for fall planting. While I hate pulling plants that are still producing, I have to evaluate the quality of that produce and whether the spot would be better used for something else. Sometimes, it’s time to scrap the plant! I’m two weeks late posting this information, and there’s only two days left for…
Introducing …
The ten of you who read Love Sown might have noticed that my posts have digressed from almost daily to quite irregular. This is for a good reason! I’ve been working at the wheel nearly daily and over the past few days have been developing an online store. Enough of my connections have inquired if I ship my pottery, so…