Processing 2020
Of all the years, 2020 has been one for the books. Years from now we will look back at the headlines of this year's headlines with hearts and mouths still agape. Personally, I've never spent as much time as I have this year reflecting on deep and hard topics.
DIY Backyard Fish Pond Update – Bring on the Frogs!
We’ve had our 300 gallon fish pond for a full year now. It is now teeming with plants and critters, so much that I’ve had to prune back plants and shuffle fish. Our goldfish spawned at the beginning of summer, but unfortunately none of those fry grew into adult fish. I suspect the mosquito fish, goldfish and tadpoles made dinner…
Hilton Head Island 2019
Our next trip to HHI is coming up in less than a month, so it’s probably time I share the pics from 2019 in preparation for the upcoming one. I’m going to jump straight to the highlight of the trip, which was watching baby loggerhead turtles find their way to the ocean. (I’ve also seen that today, June 16, 2020,…
Tub Talk
Hey there. I’m in the bathtub right now. I haven’t posted in ages, and it just hit me that I never post during the big things, the times when I’m sure a couple decades from now I’ll think, “I wonder what I was thinking during that global pandemic.” Well I don’t have any thoughts to share on the pandemic, but…
Whitetop Weekend
My dad’s mom suffered Alzheimer’s and dementia at the end of her life, and it seemed she remembered childhood bits, but then there were huge chunks of time missing. I’m not a rock climber, but I believe documenting memories and thoughts is a little like when a climber clips in to a new anchor once they’ve finished a pitch. Not…
Doughton Park Camping 2019
Back in September, Labor Day weekend, we returned to Doughton Recreation Area with our friends, the Shinglers.