Sweet dance moves
I’ve been so slack about writing lately. I figure there is some form of writer’s block holding me back, so here goes an attempt at moving past it. If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know I have no shame when it comes to laying out personal struggles with faith and identity, but when it comes to the…
I was cruising along this semester running four distance classes, one of which was still in development and another which was in redevelopment and two that were in need of several updates. I was driving at full speed and worked my way up to a 31 hour week – from home with two kids in the midst of snow days.…
Drawing in
In trying to draw closer into Jesus this season of Lent, today I was reminded again how I’ve often approached scripture with a self-focused goal. I’ve looked for the stories of his life to prescribe what I should look like, what I should feel, whom I should love and how I should serve, rather than reading them to see and in response, worship the God described. When…
Lenting it out
Hellebores, “Lenten Rose” It’s the season of Lent, so the hellebores in the garden tell me, and I’m giving up my determination to be uncomfortable with the person of Jesus. Let me clarify – Jesus should make me uncomfortable in that his life and his love compel me to be transformed, but the kind of discomfort I have felt for so long was of…
How Monkey Joe’s Happens to Families
Well it happened. I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened. We were circling the snake floor of the science museum and the oldest complained, “Mom, this isn’t fun. Can we go to Monkey Joe’s?” To think – we even got to see the sloth. THE SLOTH. In the ten times I have visited the museum over the…