Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Cosmos
Yes, there are more butterflies on the Cosmos. These flowers have been the most attractive to flying insects of any flowers I have grown. Even humming birds have been visiting, although they seem to prefer the Black and Blue Salvia over all others in our yard. I’ve been using this website to make identifications. This one is an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.…
Variegated Fritillary on Cosmos (a butterfly)
… at least I think it is “Variegated Fritillary”. See more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euptoieta_claudia
Hawk in the ‘Hood
Last night on the way back from an emergency stop for toilet parts and Chinese food, we spotted a hawk on the baseball field fence. I had Joe drive me home so I could run in to get my camera and then drop me back off at the field. We often see hawks circling the sky in the neighborhood, but…