One of my resolutions for the year was to further establish habitat for the birds in our yard. We installed two bluebird boxes, which I picked up from my local State Employees Credit Union. The box on the blackberry trellis was quickly found by a pair of Eastern Bluebirds, and after a brief kerfuffle with a Brown-headed Nuthatch, they soon made…
Bird Sighting: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
There is no excitement around here quite like my boys being vindicated in their claims that they saw a new bird on the feeder that we had never spotted before. They saw it this morning, and it came back after school. We give you a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
My husband has no recollection of ever having sobbed in his life, so yesterday evening when I was trying to explain how my bouts of depression felt, there was a clear disconnect in my ability to communicate. “Have you ever cried really hard? Like where your whole body is heaving?” “No.” “Okay, well…. that’s how it felt.” It was maybe…
Meet the Chickens!
Last weekend we drove up to The Urban Chicken for their Annual CHICK DAYS Celebration and FLOCK SWAP. I had never heard of this before, but just happened to check their Facebook page an hour before the event was supposed to start. Initially we thought we might wait until the kids were on Spring Break as the coop and run…
DIY Plastic Bin Worm Farm
Today’s project is making a worm bin or worm farm from the old city recycling bin. First I want to point out how lucky we are that our city collects recycling at the curb and provides bins. Raleigh upgraded to larger recycling carts a few years ago, and we hung on to the smaller bin. I’ve use it around the…