Sunday Stroll at Lake Johnson
Shortly after we unloaded the car from church, I demanded everyone pack up a snack because we were going on a hike. Joe picked the place, Lake Johnson, which was strategically half way to his favorite pizza place, Michelangelo’s in Apex. Lake Johnson was a spot we discovered in college. We once drove there with my Camry packed to the…
Stone Mountain State Park
Friday we probably set record time packing for a family camping trip. Once you have been on several trips and are resigned to the fact that your car is indeed too small for much more than a few creature comforts, packing for tent camping becomes simple. That morning I ran to Walmart for hot dogs and other camp food, table…
Forest Ridge Park
It’s not often we get to see the fruits of Joe’s labor, but yesterday the boys got to participate in a ribbon cutting of one of his projects. Two winters ago, he took us out to hike in the snow at the future site of Forest Ridge Park at Falls Lake. Saturday morning, Joe nonchalantly mentioned wanting to go out to…
Worker Bees
Sometimes I envy bees because they know what to do and they know how to do it.
Raleigh Half-life
I have been looking forward to this year of my life, particularly this fall season. I am 36 years old and have been in Raleigh for half my life. Fall always signifies change is coming that I can feel deep in my bones. I still remember picking up a maple leaf on the back side of the student center, just…
Must Listen
My friend sent me this talk several weeks back, and she was sent it several years ago. So yes it’s a bit old as far as things on the Internet go, but I think the message to mothers is so excellent. It’s just an 18 minute listen. I don’t know how many of us deaden the passion in our…