Simple Habitat Cheats for Happy Coturnix Quail
One of the greatest enjoyments of keeping Coturnix Quail is watching their quirky behaviors when they are happy and healthy. The following habitat features create a healthier, cleaner environment that may reduce stress and aggression within the covey. BeddingThe key to good bedding is finding something with small enough particles that the quail can organically turn over as they scratch around. Large flake pine shavings are too large and will lead to poop that spreads over the flakes and then…
Ultimate Guide to Keeping Frogs in a Koi Pond
As we dreamed of building a larger pond for the koi that rapidly outgrew their little stock tank pond, we wanted it to support the larger community of insects and animals native to our area. Specifically, I really wanted frogs. When we installed our first pond, the stock tank pond, we also added a few bullfrog tadpoles and tree frog tadpoles, which grew into adults.
The Big Dig – Building Our Backyard Pond
"I dig deep thoughts and appropriately sized holes", my current Instagram tagline, makes me giggle. I didn't anticipate digging such an insanely big hole this spring, but I'd been worrying about how large the koi were growing and pointing out spots in the yard to Joe where a pond would fit.
Coturnix Quail Cost Analysis for Beginners – Worth it?
Honestly, after three weeks of keeping quail, I was regretting bringing them home. I thought I would be done with quail after this flock dies off. It might even be sooner if I were able to pass them off. They weren’t laying, they were messy, and the grow-out pen I was using was impossible to clean. Then Joe built a hutch that is easy to access and clean out and gives the birds much more room. It even has a…
Upgrade Your Pond with a Bog Filter System
As we prepare for a third summer managing our 300 gallon stock tank garden pond, we have a new upgrade to share. During the last two summers, we conducted pond water changes by taking buckets of water out of the pond and pouring them out on the garden beds. This was a fairly labor-intensive process, which I didn’t mind, but I knew there was probably a smarter solution to make use of the fish waste and keep the pond water…
DIY Backyard Fish Pond
For years we tossed around the idea of a fish pond in the back yard but shrugged it off figuring it was outside the scope of our abilities and finances. We also couldn’t agree on a location. However, when the birdbath quit holding water, I really missed having a water feature in the veggie garden off the deck. I figured that out of any spot in the yard, that little bed could handle a permanent feature. There was a nice…