Pea Plot Pulled
So I was going to title this one “You dooze you lose,” but I figured that was a little to crass even for my tastes. My peas reached the end of harvest sometime last week while I was quarantined in the bathroom with a stomach virus, so now I have a pail full of overripe peas. The only thing these are good for is replanting, so I will shell them, let them dry out and save them for the fall…
Seeding and Planting Timeline
My brother recently requested that I let him know whenever I was planting something so that he didn’t plant too late this year. Last year I was an eager beaver planting earlier than most, which lead to my tomatoes coming in a month before most of my friends and my squash gave me a nice early crop before being ravaged by pests. Other plants were too early, and I either had to replant or just never enjoyed any yield from…
Garden Pics
Pictured: tomato blossom, pea garden and path, corn and pole beans, row garden (tomatoes, squash and watermelon), onions and romaine, squash blossoms This is the fun time of year in the garden for me. The mosquitoes aren’t too angry, the tree pollen has subsided, and there is occasionally a cool breeze. Last year I did a lot of assisted pollination of my squash plants, but this year they seem to be setting fruit just fine on their own. While my…
Snapshots from the Garden
1) rosemary, garlic and lavender, 2) tomatoes and butterstick zucchini, 3)peas, 4) container potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, zucc, 5) strawberries, 6) peas
Garden Pic: Bean Sprout
Just a week after I planted the pole beans next to the corn, the sprouts came up! Of all my plants started from seeds, the beans are my favorite. They remind me of origami as the seat coat splits and the large firm leaves unfold. Last year, I started beans indoors but quickly learned that they do much better when seeded into the ground. As young plants, indoors they grew leggy and the leaves grew large and fragile to compensate…
Mottled Squash Leaves
I was a little concerned that my largest and most vigorous squash plants had a disease, so I went digging on the garden forums to try to find a picture similar to mine (the picture above is of my plants). Sure enough, there was one, but it was for zucchini. Someone even commented “that’s how zucchini leaves are supposed to look.” That’s when I got confused. Isn’t zucchini a summer squash? Why are some called squash and some called zucchini?…