Discovery: The Successes Not Our Own
Sometimes the biggest successes in our yards are not our own – such as those things we have left behind in the grass (and weeds) that take root … Oregano volunteers in the lawn … or those which we dug up from our parents’ homes planted in a pot, watched die and planted in the ground thinking all hope was lost… Purple shamrock blossoms … or those gifted from our friends’ parents’ homes (which may or may not have come…
Spring Fling Giveaway: KidCo BabySteps Deluxe Food Mill with Travel Tote
Now that your garden is on its way to being planted and giving you juicy homegrown food, consider how wonderful it will be to feed the little ones in your life food from your own garden! I’m really excited to share my experience with today’s Spring Fling Giveaway product, the BabySteps KidCo Deluxe Food Mill with Travel Tote. I used to make baby food for the Man-child when he was little, but my previous process always involved tearing up the…
Spring Fling Giveaway: Lucky Accessories Peas in a Pod Necklace or Earrings
I consider myself quite lucky to know the beautiful and talented Kiona van Rhee-Wilson, owner and designer of Lucky Accessories. Kiona is a fellow urban gardener in Downtown Raleigh who is constantly inspiring me with her creativity, conscientiousness regarding food and nutrition at the family table, and her charitable and giving spirit. Dutchie, as her friends call her, moved to the US from Holland where she graced the runway as an international model. After marriage and a kid, she began…
Spring Fling Giveaway: Bee Happy!
I’m new here at Love Sown, and I sometimes get lengthy… but I think you’ll enjoy the read! So hang in there with me…. Years ago whenever I told people I’d never been stung by a bee, I said it was because I was a “bee charmer.” (Please say you’ve all seen Fried Green Tomatoes.) I’ve never had a fear of bees so when we moved into our house in the middle of a downtown area and my horticulturist husband…
Discovery: Lavender
An Introduction & Recommended Gardening Reading
I was raised to garden. My Mother was a gardener, my Grandmother, my Great Grandmother before her. I have fond memories of sitting on the porch swing at my Great Grandmother’s smelling the scent of Muscadine grapes wafting from her backyard vines. I am proud to carry on the tradition to my own daughter who at three has her own little bed filled with oregano, thyme and parsley that she picked out and planted herself. I have a particular affection…