Garden Walkin’ & A Little Talkin’
Several days before we left for the beach some of the spinach and chard had begun to sprout; however, upon our return there was no activity. It seems that either the heat or the bunnies got to them. I replanted indoors two days ago, and there is already germination, so I think I’ll be working from transplants soon. I also reseeded outdoors and covered them with straw. Somewhere I read that straw van deter rabbits. The garden paths are totally…
Garden Letdown.
It’s that time of garden letdown. Where you’ve fought all summer to weed and water and keep the veggie plants healthy, but after one jaunt to the beach you return to find they have succumbed to disease, deer and disarray. Perhaps it is the oncoming fall, but I want to just let my hair down, kick my feet up and let it all go to hell in a hand basket. This is the time of year I start taking notes.…
Beach Pics for Friday
We are wrapping up our final day at the Outer Banks. I’m slap wore out from boogie boarding and carrying around a baby everywhere I go. It’s fun fun, and now I’m ready to get back home. I’ve loved all the colors and textures at the beach from the birds and weathered wood, to the native plants, to the fishing buoys hanging on the house next door.
An Egret for Tuesday
Moth for Monday
Giant Leopard Moth
Flowers for Friday
If you’ve eaten okra but never seen it grow, you probably have no idea that those sometimes prickly pods have such beautiful origins. This time of year, morning walks always include picking pods and checking out the bumble bees in the okra blossoms. Last year I saved seeds from my burgundy okra using pantyhose and paint bush to prevent cross pollination with the neighbors’ green okra. Several of the plants are producing greenish pods, so my methods weren’t perfect. These…