• Photographing Backyard Birds with a Point and Shoot, Behind a Window

    I am not a photographer. I have no miracle tips for you. Disclaimers aside, last winter I developed an obsession with taking pictures of the birds on our feeders. It became my urban semi-artistic redneck version of hunting. I didn’t want to kill anything, I just wanted to capture their little, beaky souls. My Nikon P90 has a 24x optical zoom, so I could get a decent shot of the woodpeckers up on the trees about 30 ft from our…

  • Attainable Goals for 2012

    For 2012, I’m avoiding mapping out identity shaping goals, goals that I have no way of measuring, and goals that imply my previous person has been inadequate. I just wanted a short list of things I’d like to get done. If I added something like “be more intentional with the boys,” that would just put me on a path of endless self-critique and comparisons to other moms and ultimately feelings of inadequacy. So I’m keeping it sweet and simple. The…

  • Bird Shooting Season is Open!

    I’m shooting with a camera – of course! Last week the feeders were filled to the brim and it only took about a day and a half for the birds to find us again. The brave little Chickadees were the first to appear and as always will fly up to the feeder even if we are standing within a few feet of it. Because they don’t seem to be as aggressive as the others, they have to be willing to…

  • Yellow

    December, is this really you? The yellow in the yard was very unexpected. Due to the unseasonably warm weather last week, some of the lettuce bolted, and our Renee’s Mesclun lettuce mix is now blossoming and attracting little bees. After heavily pruning the Chinese Privet, we discovered that a usually hidden little bush also blossoms this time of year. If anyone cares to do a little plant identification for me, I’d be much obliged.

  • Merry Christmas!

    We bypassed sending out a Christmas card this year, but you can bet your sweet pants I’ll be printing up this baby for the keepsakes! We managed to get a decent family picture in only two tries. The secret? I stuffed the boys’ mouths with jellybeans (see the fat cheeks and smirks?). Merry Christmas, friends! I hope you day tomorrow is blessed with the presence of Emanuel, God with us!

  • A New Course!

    It’s funny how when I plug in to something I really enjoy or have a passion about, going to work is something I look forward to. Granted my version of going to work is sitting down on the red couch and opening my laptop, but it is work nonetheless. My education is in Biological and Agricultural Engineering. As a girl who grew up playing in creeks and streams, it only makes sense that I’d eventually pursue my advanced degree in…