Upcycled String Trellis
Even after I’ve planted my veggies beds to full capacity, there’s always one more packet of seeds I’m drying to make room for. Yesterday it was the handful of French Climbing Beans I saved from my vines last year. They didn’t grow well because the Purple Hyacinth Beans and Turkey Craw Beans choked them out. So instead of eating the few beans that grew, I let them dry on the vines to save for this season. Because these can be…
Digital Dissection of an Iris
Our garden is a mess. I’ve ignored all convention when it comes to crop rotation, companion planting, and spacing – not intentionally. You know me, I have all the answers thanks to research, but I’m just a little shoddy on my application of it. Every nook and cranny is being stuffed with leftover tomato seedlings and various types of legumes. There are sunflowers popping up wherever the birds have pooped, which essentially is every 12″ on center. This morning I…
In Bloom: Wasabi Arugula
This is a seriously spicy arugula with the most adorable papery white flowers with maroon veins. I picked up the seeds from Renee’s Garden. I’m letting this go to seed, but not sure if they will cross pollinate with the one or two other breeds that are also in bloom. CORRECTION: This picture if of just straight Arugula. It still has a lot of bite! I’ll plant Wasabi soon and get back to you! Share your Wordless Wednesday post, and…
In Honor of Earth Day
In all honesty, I wasn’t aware that yesterday was Earth Day until after I’d taken the boys out to shop for plants (specifically irises), but I must have been getting good earthy vibes since we finally got rain after a two week dry spell. In fact, we’ve received nearly two inches of rain since Saturday. The sprinkler never quite generates the same growth in the veggie garden as a good rainstorm does. We visited the plant sale at J.C. Raulston…
Birds on the Deck
These are two birds that don’t usually come up onto the deck. I’ve never been able to get a picture of a blue jay this close. They tend to stay far from the house. Just in the past couple weeks, a pair has started visiting the feeders – but only if they don’t see any movement behind our windows. For being such bossy birds, they sure are skittish around people!