TMI Tomatoes
Because I have no filter, I’m just going to put this out there – no apologies. I have been peeing a TON. Today I went to the doctor to submit a sample for testing in fear of a recurrence of an infection, but all was clear. The funny news is, according to my doctor, my ingestion of copious quantities of tomatoes from the garden has most likely irritated my bladder. Don’t believe me? Read this from the Mayo Clinic, go…
Working Form
I took two classes from Julie Olson while at the NCSU Crafts Center. This artist is full of great ideas and is amazing at challenging students to pursue excellence. The first time we threw something decent looking, she’d have us slice it in two to look at the evenness and irregularity of the cross section to help us find our weak points. Once piece of advice she gave me was to develop a working form – a shape from which…
Hello Wheel
It has been a very long time since I have thrown a pot. I believe November 2007 was about the time my belly got too big to bend over the wheel, and soon after I spent most of my time breastfeeding and changing diapers. I’ve made several attempts to throw again, but nothing has really stuck. Scooby seems to finally be at a stage where I could potentially get back on the wheel and let him play in the room…
The Little Things (Another miscarriage post)
When you think you have moved on from the loss of an unborn child, you can let your guard down and be blindsided by the little things. The jealousy that creeps up has been hardest for me to deal with – you know the kind – a friend finding out the gender of her baby, overhearing a stranger’s pregnancy announcement at the table next to you in a restaurant, seeing a family with four kids all close in age (even…
First Attempt at Canning
Left: Ace Bush, Middle: Black Russian, Right: Aunt Ruby’s German Green I have way too many tomato plants which means I have way too many tomatoes. Friends, you are welcome to come pick some, but I am assuming most of you have plants of your own. I have been broiling some with fresh mozzarella, jalapenos, basil and balsamic vinaigrette, and Joe and I made tomato and cheddar sandwiches yesterday at the beach. Because I can’t eat them all, I decided…
Red Light/Green Light – When to Try Again
It has been two weeks since my d&c. The meeting with my doctor went as well as could be expected. The pathology and my post-op exam did not show any abnormalities. My doctor said that while some doctors recommend waiting until after the first cycle before trying to get pregnant for time to heal but primarily to be able to determine the due date, he was of the mindset that the body is ready when it’s ready (and won’t allow…