Strawberry Trouble Shooting
Last Spring I purchased about 9 Quinault everbearing strawberry crowns, planted them in the back gardens and then moved them beside the deck at the end of the summer so we could till up the back. As with just about everything I garden, I knew nothing about strawberries when I started growing them, so I’ve been learning as I go. Over the past week or two, I’ve been pretty excited that my strawberries are generating runners – meaning I will…
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Last summer, my tomatoes seemed to explode all at once, but this year’s crop is slowly trickling in. While this isn’t ideal for canning homemade pizza sauce, I’m going use it as a chance to enjoy the peculiarities of each breed and take time to document my observations for better planning in the future. Aunt Ruby’s German Green is a tomato which I wrote off last year as being a little too strange for me but was one of my…
Final Belly Pic
Garden Pics
Left to right: huge tomato, Silver Queen corn, garlic, cantaloupe, red okra Updates: Joe called me out on “taking it easier” this year… I told him that planting was the easy part and maintenance was where the effort lies. I’ve been taking it easy on watering and weeding, and it’s definitely shown. For the most part, the gardens look good, although weedy, but there are some varieties of plants that haven’t been as great as expected. I think the back and…
In A Year's Time
Today marks the one year anniversary of the loss of my baby in the twelfth week of pregnancy. It blows my mind how just a year ago I was overcome with such grief, and here a year later I can gaze into the face of this beautiful, healthy one week old baby boy. God’s blessings abounded then, and they certainly abound today. I don’t have anything particularly poignant to say other than I feel extremely thankful. Wookie seems aware that…
Good Doctors
My 37 week appointment (technically 37.5 weeks) was this morning and everything went smoothly. I don’t think I’ve gained any weight in a couple weeks, which is pretty normal considering I’m in the final stretch and there isn’t much room to be stashing large pizzas and Mexican feasts. I’m doing my best to keep my feet up, the water down, and my toddler from tearing the house apart. I hear so many people complain about doctors, specifically OBGYN practices and…