Spring Fling Giveaway: Lucky Accessories Peas in a Pod Necklace or Earrings
I consider myself quite lucky to know the beautiful and talented Kiona van Rhee-Wilson, owner and designer of Lucky Accessories. Kiona is a fellow urban gardener in Downtown Raleigh who is constantly inspiring me with her creativity, conscientiousness regarding food and nutrition at the family table, and her charitable and giving spirit. Dutchie, as her friends call her, moved to the US from Holland where she graced the runway as an international model. After marriage and a kid, she began…
Spring Fling Giveaway: Bee Happy!
I’m new here at Love Sown, and I sometimes get lengthy… but I think you’ll enjoy the read! So hang in there with me…. Years ago whenever I told people I’d never been stung by a bee, I said it was because I was a “bee charmer.” (Please say you’ve all seen Fried Green Tomatoes.) I’ve never had a fear of bees so when we moved into our house in the middle of a downtown area and my horticulturist husband…
Spring Fling Giveaway: Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots
Today’s giveaway is a beautifully illustrated book by Sharon Lovejoy titled “Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children.” From her biography: For the first seven years of her life, Sharon Lovejoy was introduced to the wonders of nature by her Quaker grandmother Abigal Lovejoy, a botanist and an educator. As an adult, Sharon’s passion for the natural world guided her to become an award winning nature, gardening, and children’s book author and water color illustrator. This book brings…
I thought Tornadoes were for Kansas?
Saturday a huge tornado swept through Downtown Raleigh and South East Raleigh. While our friends were hiding in closets and basements, we stupidly were standing at our windows amazed by the blowing trees and looking for cues that it was time to hide. Our neighborhood was missed by about five blocks. Power went out almost immediately and came back on in the middle of the night the next evening. Scooby had only one thing on his mind: light. Can we…
Discovery: Lavender
Grammar Lessons from a 3 Year Old
Scooby: Mom, turn on Thomas. Me: I will not. Scooby: You will are.