Coastal Trip to Cedar Point
As large swaths of the U.S. were engulfed in a heat wave in the middle of July, we were at the NC coast doing our best to stay cool and have a little fun. Back in March, I found a house on White Oak River that boasted easy river access, proximity to downtown Swansboro and a short drive to the beach. I was sold on the cottage by the screened in deck with a hammock, shed with kayaks and shiplap walls inside. I’m huge on last minute plans, but beach places in NC book far in advance, so I booked the place resting easy that we could cancel up to early June. Anytime I wavered in my intentions (I’m learning that part of my wiring is to seek ideal experiences and fear future regret that things could have played out better), the boys stood firm in their enthusiasm for the “River House”. While we did as many activities as we had energy for in the heat, we also spend a lot of time working puzzles and watching movies. Here’s the very simplified rundown of the week.
Saturday: grab food at Bouge House, settle in the house, take out the kayaks
Sunday: Late afternoon swim at The Point on Emerald Isle
Monday: Jones Island kayaking and dinner at The Trading Post
Tuesday: Cedar Point Tidewater Trail, puzzles, evening at Emerald Isle Eastern Regional Beach Access
Wednesday: Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores and Fort Macon for the canon firing
Thursday: Lots of movies, Tidepools at The Point on Emerald Isle and putt putt
Friday: Another trip to Macon State Park and doughnuts. Movies.
Saturday: Drive home!